
Harvest Christian Fellowship is a place where people can meet Jesus, engage in life-giving community, and everyone is welcome. We believe in creating an environment where people can have authentic encounters with Christ through the Holy Spirit, discover their gifts and use them for God's glory.
Join us for our Sunday services!
Join us for our Sunday services!
When we Meet
Sunday Mornings
10:00 am
What To Expect
A typical worship service will last about 90 minutes. You can expect a casual, friendly atmosphere with modern worship and Biblically based messages. We have free coffee available, waiting just for you, every Sunday.
For The Kids
Your children can enjoy worship, age-appropriate activities and teachings in each of our services. Our children's ministry is available for all children through the fourth grade. When you arrive, you can register your kids with the friendly faces at the Kid City Check-In desk, or you can pre-register them below to save a few minutes on your first Sunday here!

Location and Directions
We are located on the South side of US Highway 70 in Plainview, TX. The main entrance to the building is on the East side, and our office entrance is at the rear of the building, on the West side.

Who We Are
We would love for you to get to know us here at Harvest! Click the button below to read our story, learn about our vision and values, find out what we believe, and meet our leadership!

What We Do
Interested in what goes on at Harvest other than on Sunday mornings? Read more about our Ministries, Life Groups and Wednesday night activities here!

Coming Up
At Harvest, we have many opportunities for discipleship. From Worship Nights to our Discipleship Events, we want to help you grow in your walk with Christ.
"Humble atmosphere..... honest in truth."
- Alicia Ramos
"I've never had a connection with Christ like I do here. God dwells within these walls and the Holy Spirit reigns upon us. I love this place."
- Norica Mendez
"Good Christian fellowship, and the true Word is preached."
- Mariana Rodriguez